The Best and Worst Wife Ever!!!!!
Well, It's been a few weeks since my last post and I'm fresh out of ideas, so I want to describe my most recent obsession to you since it was you dear reader who stuck with me through my admittidly crappy first post. So, ladies and gentlemen- if there are even that many people reading this- I give you my research on the mentally unstable personality of...
The definition of yandere from wikipedia: Yandere (ヤンデレ), from the Japanese words yanderu (病んでる),meaning to be sick, and deredere (デレデレ),which is defined as exhausted or lovestruck.
According to infofmation from
The yandere come in two flavors:
Possessive: This type of Yandere is so in love with their crush that (s)he's willing to kill their beloved to prevent other love interests from taking him/her away from him/her. Severed head in a bag? Fair game.
Obsessive: This type of Yandere is willing to kill off their competition so (s)he can be closer to their loved one.
classic examples can also be found on tvtropes here and the spoilers are censored
upon examining a discussion from (one of the world's many online manga reading sites for those who don't know) there is also a scale system invented by one "dark blade94" according to him there are three states of yandere, and they are as follows:
#1 by the name means: Worry, these girls are a bit obsessed, but relatively
harmless. Signs include stalking and obsession. Usually in comedies and for
secondary yandere.
A #2 by the name means: Danger, these girls are violent, but usually not life
threatening. They are not just obsessive stalkers, but may use acts of violence
against people in their way, or their loved one.
A #3 by the name means: RUN, these girls are completely insane. They are full -
blown yandere. They do not think rationally, they are happy to kill people in
their way, and may even kill or imprison their loved one.
The entire discussion can be found at:
A few common qualities that they all share is that they have . . . certain visual appeals, and a massive amount of affection for thier "precious one". another anomally among yanderes is that the one who they're in love with has made thier impression upon the yandere in question by giving them a reason to exist, normally after the yandere did something that shattered thier own psyche.
Common Yandere Examples:
Yuno Gasai


Juvia Lockster



and Miku Hatsune

Unfortunately, my knowledge of yandere characters is sorely lacking, so please inform me of any yanderes who you think deserve recognition.
it makes me feel special.
that's it for now, bye, and thanks for reading.
Juvia Lockster

and Miku Hatsune

Unfortunately, my knowledge of yandere characters is sorely lacking, so please inform me of any yanderes who you think deserve recognition.
it makes me feel special.
that's it for now, bye, and thanks for reading.